Preparing for Hurricane Season with Diabetes!
By: Jessica Hrdlicka MS, RD, LD/N, CDCES
So, what should you put in your diabetes supply kit? Below are important items to include. This checklist can also be helpful as you plan for family vacations and recreational (camping) trips. Diabetes supplies:
Insulin storage:
Information to keep handy:
Non- Perishable Foods:
“Falling of the Wagon” in Context of Healthy Lifestyle Changes
Come Friday night and kids insist they want Pizza! Of course, you eat one slice, two or many be even three! Tastes so good, like hugging a lovely friend after a long time. You go out to catch up with your friends and order Artichoke and Spinach dip. Sounds healthy, right? And the server brings a full tray of deeply fried chips with it. “Can we replace these with carrots or celery or something?” you try asking sheepishly and the server looks at you like you have grown an extra head! You have a deadline at work, you are running late home. Kids must go for soccer practice, you make a mental assessment… what is the nearest take-out joint that’s seemingly healthy? After looking at the traffic app again, you settle for the Chic-fil-a nearby, with a visible defeat on your face. There are all too familiar scenarios for many families. Many are my patients. Some have elevated A1cs, poorly controlled diabetes, poor cholesterol and excessive weight, high blood pressure, fatty liver and sleep apnea. They very well know; their efforts are less than optimal. But the pressures of working, earning a living, raising a family, maintaining healthy relationships and social life is getting in the way of maintaining healthy lifestyle. To all those patients, I would like to first say, I see you and I understand where you are coming from, and we are all in the same boat. One unhealthy meal, one evening of overindulgence, take out, one evening with friends and family, laugher and that piece of oh so yummy cheesecake is not the end of your journey towards healthy lifestyle. Yes, you slipped three times this week, but you can show up for your health rest of the times and I that is good place to start. First, let’s been kind to ourselves and not feel guilty for the times we enjoyed ourselves. Second, let’s make small goals. ‘I will walk 15 minutes today. ‘‘I will forgo the ice cream in the freezer, that’s been calling my name while watching TV tonight.’ ‘I will not buy this bag of chips today.’ ‘I am so proud of myself that I drove past my favorite fast-food joint and didn’t stop today.’ ‘ I made to the gym three times this week!” These are small achievements let’s be proud of them. Let’s not focus too much on the outcome but let’s concentrate on the journey. ‘I didn’t lose my intended 5 pounds last week, so I might as well eat that pizza!’ Has not led to long term meaningful metabolic success in anyone. Let’s assess our relationship with food. Are we stress eating, are we eating because we are lonely, bored, relaxed or just truly hungry? And let’s try to eat only when hungry and only as much as we truly need at the time. Are we finishing the food just because we paid for it, or because our parents taught us not to waste the food in our plate? Healthy Meal Planning Class & Pre-Diabetes Sessions are available! Join our classes to stay motivated & feel great! Healthy Meal Planning Class West Palm Beach Location (Virtual or In Person!) Temple Israel 1901 N. Flagler Drive West Palm Beach, FL 33401 Tuesday October 8th 10am-12pm Tuesday November 12th 10am-12pm Pre-Diabetes Class West Palm Beach Location (Virtual or In Person!) Temple Israel 1901 N. Flagler Drive West Palm Beach, FL 33401 Tuesday October 15th 10am-12pm Tuesday December 10th 10am-12pm If interested attending this program please contact our scheduling department at (561) 659-6336 Extension 8001 today! At Healthy Living with Diabetes we want to ensure that you are satisfied with all services received. We also would like your input on educational workshops that you would like us to offer, information you would like to read about in Healthy Living with Diabetes Monthly or feedback on any workshop that you may have attended. You can contact the director of education personally by email jcook@PBDES.COM or leave a message at (561) 659-6336 ext. 8012. We would love to hear from you! |