Well, it is that time of year again. Football is back on television and the holidays are coming. So, have you gotten your game day plan of eating yet? Whether it is a Halloween party, football party, thanksgiving, or Christmas, it is good to have a plan for eating a head of time. That prevents slips and trips that can derail your blood sugar. Eating lower carbs during the day can allow for more carbs during the party. That can help if you know they are planning to have one of your favorite treats. Always eat the same hot dogs and chips during your team’s game. Try lower carb bread/wrap with those dogs and put your chips in a bowl so you don’t seal the win with an empty bag. Thanksgiving can be especially tricky because most of our traditional dishes are chock-ed full of carbs. Start with veggie appetizers then eat smaller portions of your traditional sides. That way you can enjoy your food but have pre-loaded with fiber first. Switch out the champagne for seltzer water with a splash of juice. No one will notice and you can still toast your way into the New Year! A small amount of planning can help keep your blood sugar manageable while you still can enjoy your favorites.

Are you game day ready?
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Palm Beach Diabetes and Endocrine Specialists PA