We love summer and yes, in Florida it is hot in the summer. But this year it has been especially hot with the high heat index. Great for your tan, but not so good for your diabetes.
It is easy to get dehydrated. But remember, you don’t just need water. Sometimes you need electrolytes also. When we sweat it is not just fluid that we are losing. We also lose salt, chloride and sometimes potassium. When you taste your skin, it can be salty. That is sodium. Low sodium can cause confusion, trouble walking straight and blurry vision in an extreme form. Plus, between the two your glucose levels can get high enough that you release ketones in your urine. To prevent this, add an electrolyte solution once daily when you are going to be outside for a prolonged period. This can get Gatorade G2 or Power aid zero sugar, IV hydration, Propel or Vitamin water. You can dilute it ½ strength with water to help keep both your fluid and electrolytes in balance.
The farmer’s Almanac is predicting a frosty winter, and that will be here before we know it. Until then, keep hydrated!

The Dog Days of Summer Have Been Too Hot For Even the Dogs!
Posted By
Julia Lindower, APRN