Everyone is talking about Coronavirus. People are discussing strategies to mitigate infections, importance of hand washing, disinfecting surfaces, being responsible citizens and not spreading germs and working on building immunity.
This is a good time to discuss diabetes and immune function. Studies have shown that patients with diabetes have some decline in humoral as well as cellular immunity, making people with diabetes more prone to infections. Also, once acquired, infections tend to last longer in patients with diabetes. Control of blood glucose is of primary importance in boosting immunity. Well-controlled blood glucose can mitigate a protracted course of illness. The problem with diabetes, once a person with diabetes catches primary infection, he or she is more likely to acquire secondary infections compared patients without diabetes.
In these circumstances, the patients with diabetes should exercise vigilance and stay safe. After al, prevention is better than cure. Staying away from cruises and crowded spaces in midst of a pandemic is always wise. I highly recommend taking medications regularly to ensure good glycemic control. I recommend making sure; patients have enough medication supply in circumstances such as two-week quarantines. It is also important to ensure access to carb conscious food in case of illness or quarantine. Of course, keeping up with daily recommendations from CDC regarding, specific infection control strategies, and public safety announcement helps tremendously. And for those who have not had, I also recommend taking the flu shot. I know flu season is going to be over soon. Flu shot does not protect from Coronavirus. But any infection, including Influenza virus can further compromise your immunity and your immune system is your best ally against a viral pandemic.